Collection: Mary Jane Brockman

Paintings buy Northwest artist Mary Jane Brockman

Mary Jane Brockman, American, Seattle, Pacific Northwest Artist. Born 1929  Died 2018.

Mary Jane Brockman was associated with the Northwest school of art, Her style in the late 50s through the 70s rivals some of the great Pacific NW artists, At a time when abstract or modern art was dominated by male artists such as Guy Anderson, Mark Tobey and Morris Graves, Mary Jane was brave enough to create art alongside them.

In the early 70s Mary Jane decided her modernist style wasn’t ‘hip’ any more so she turned to print making. Working with such print greats as Glen Alps, who’s infamous press she used for various printing techniques. In the 1970s-80s, Mary Jane became the president of the Northwest Print society all the while playing in a Seattle orchestra and a very active member of her church. 

Mary Jane and her husband had a home in Seattle, a farm in Oakville WA and a cabin Olympic Peninsula. She loved her garden and they were heavily involved in the mountaineering world. All of these places and themes show through brilliantly in her work.